
Brief Introduction of Qingdao Refrigeratory Warehouse of Hetian Food

Qingdao Hetian Refrigeratory Warehouse is founded by Qingdao Hetian Foods CO., Ltd. This cold storage was designed and constructed based on the standard of European Union Commericial Refrigerating and Freezing Equipments/Sets. The freeze system, thermos system (heats protection layer system), logistical running system are guided by advance international theory.
It is a steel and concrete frame construction building.
Qingdao Hetian Refrigeratory Warehouse locates in Xin’an, Huangdao district, Qingdao Economical development Zone area, Which is only about 5 km to Qian Wan Gang port; and which is 7 km to the Huangdao Railway station only; which is connected with the Spreading Port(SHU GANG) highway, TONG SAN express way, JIAO ZHOU Gulf  highway, Sea beach express way and No.204 National trunk road etc…The location is great convenient for all the cargos which are needed to be change transfer or short stand by for loading or unloading of both importation and exportation.
Qingdao Hetian cold storage have two kinds of cold storage, one is<-18’C, another is 0’C-5’C cold warehouse. All the forklifts are made in Germany. ”Linde Brand”(with electrical and diesel). Inside of the warehouse use the electrical forklift only in order to avoid the pollution of waste gas to the cargo. The 2 elevator flatforms can help the forklifts to load and unload the cargo in and out the containers easily. All this can save a lot of time for loading or unloading rapidly.
We use computer system to record all temperature change automatically, and can make sure that the temperature of cold storage inside fit the standard. All management is strictly controlled.
Qingdao Hetian Refrigeratory Warehouse is the Registered Cold Storage of Shandong Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People’s Republic of China (CIQ Shan Dong), Code M0088.
Location, equipment, vehicles, best service etc., we can assure you that any job given to us will be processed efficiently and promptly to your satisfaction.

Differences between Purple garlic and White garlic

Chinese garlic has a large, flat, regular and white head with purple strias. It contains 10-12 straight cloves covered by a skin with a pinkish colour. It has a mild spicy flavour.

Garlic, garlic, hanging on the wall, which of you is the best of all? The first step to a perfect meal is selecting the ideal bulb from the more than 400 species and varieties of garlic. Allium sativum is the most common type of garlic; it is the one you'll typically find in the grocery store and is often called "culinary" garlic. Fortunately, this is the species that also offers the most healing properties.
You might occasionally find Allium ursinum in specialty or farmer's markets. Allium ursinum is a type of wild garlic native to Northern Europe that does not possess the same healing properties as Allium sativum. You might also come across Allium vineale, a garlic with very small cloves that is commonly called "crow garlic." This variety is nothing more than a weed.
Allium sativum has two subvarieties: softneck and hardneck. The two types have similar healing properties because they belong to the same species, but they differ in flavor, clove size, shelf life, and use.
Softneck Garlic
Softneck garlic is the type you'll most likely see in the produce section of your grocery store. Its name comes from the multilayered parchment that covers the entire bulb, continues up the neck of the bulb, and forms a soft, pliable stalk suitable for braiding. Its papery skin, or sheath, is a beautiful creamy white color.
">Softneck garlic typically has several layers of cloves surrounding the central portion of the garlic bulb. The outermost layer's cloves are the stoutest; the cloves of the internal layers become smaller closer to the center of the bulb. Of the several types of softneck garlic, two are most abundant:
Silverskin garlic. This easy-to-grow variety has a strong flavor and stores well when dried -- it will last nearly a year under the right conditions. The Creole group of silverskin garlics has a rose-tinted parchment.
Artichoke garlic. Artichoke garlic has a milder flavor and may have fewer and larger cloves than silverskin. You can store it as long as eight months. Artichoke garlic may occasionally have purple spots or streaks on its skin, but don't confuse it with purple stripe garlic, a hardneck variety that has quite a bit of purple coloring.
Hardneck Garlic
Unlike softneck garlic, hardneck varieties do not have a flexible stalk. When you buy this type of garlic, it will typically have an extremely firm stalk protruding an inch or two from the top of the bulb.
Hardneck garlic sends up scapes from its central woody stalk when it is growing. A scape is a thin green extension of the stalk that forms a 360-degree curl with a small bulbil, or swelling, several inches from its end. Inside the bulbil are more than 100 tiny cloves that are genetically identical to the parent bulb beneath.
Many people call these "flowers," but they are not really blooms. If left on the plant, the scape will eventually die and fall over, and the tiny cloves will spill onto the ground. However, most never make it that far.
Cutting off the scapes keeps the plant's energy from forming the bulbil and therefore encourages larger bulbs. But don't throw out the scapes. They can be a delicious ingredient in your cooking.
There are three main types of hardneck garlic:
Rocambole. This variety has a rich, full-bodied taste. It peels easily and typically has just one set of cloves around the woody stalk. It keeps for up to six months.
Porcelain. Porcelain garlic is similar to rocambole in flavor and typically contains about four large cloves wrapped in a very smooth, white, papery sheath. People often mistake porcelain garlic for elephant garlic because its cloves are so large. Porcelain garlic stores well for about eight months.
Purple stripe. This hardneck variety is famous for making the best baked garlic. There are several types of purple stripe, all with distinctive bright purple streaks on their papery sheaths. Purple stripe garlic keeps for about six months.
Another member of the Allium clan, elephant garlic (Allium ampeloprasum), may look like a good buy because it is so large, but its flavor is very bland. Elephant garlic tastes more like a leek; in fact, its garlic flavor is slight and its healing properties are inferior to those of other garlic varieties. Use elephant garlic more like a vegetable than a flavorful herb.

What is the difference between White Garlic and Purple Garlic?

White garlic is widely available, whereas, purple garlic is less prevalent. Softneck garlic is always white in color, much easier to grow and are hardier compared to hardneck garlic. These white species are more conducive to travel and shipping. White garlic tends to have a very powerful flavor and scent. Often, white garlic has more cloves than purple garlic. Hardneck garlic has a milder taste and odor. Purple Garlic cannot be stored for long periods like white garlic. However, hardneck garlic retains their sweet aroma even after cooking. Generally, purple garlic has fewer cloves than white garlic.


Features of red pepper

Chili peppers contain chemical compound capsaicin. Capsaicin and its co-compounds used in the preparation of ointments, rubs and tinctures for their astringent, counter-irritant and analgesic properties.
These formulations have been in use in the treatment of arthritic pain, post-herpetic neuropathic pain, sore muscles, etc.
Red peppers featured with a lot benefits such as losing weight. However, they also have a lot of spice and flavor without many added calories, fat or sugar. In 1 teaspoon of crushed red pepper, there are only 6 calories and 1 gram of carbohydrate. The same amount of pepper contains 15 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin A for a 2,000-calorie diet. Vitamin A is beneficial for improving skin, hair, nails and eyes. Red pepper also contains vitamins C, E and B-6, and the minerals iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.
Crushed red pepper is thermogenic in nature, which means it produces heat in the body and stimulates the metabolism. A study published in the journal "Physiology and Behavior" looked at the effect of hot red pepper intake on energy balance and appetite. Study participants who consumed spicy red peppers had higher energy expenditure and higher body temperature after a meal than those who did not take red pepper. The study also found that people who consumed hot red peppers ate fewer total calories per day and had a diminished interest in food. If you're looking for a safe, healthy way to burn more calories and get excessive eating under control, adding crushed red pepper to food could help.

Polyphenols are antioxidants found in crushed red pepper that give them a strong disease-preventing property. A study published in the journal "Nutrition Research and Practice" looked at the effect of spicy red pepper seeds on rats fed a high-fat and high-cholesterol diet, which is known to cause health problems and heart disease. The researchers found that the antioxidants in red pepper strengthened the immune system's ability to reduce oxidative stress and prevent oxidative diseases such as cancer, inflammation, heart disease and decreased immune function. In addition, capsaicin in hot peppers promotes circulation, which may prevent hardening of arteries and reduce risk of heart attack.

How to Remove the Skin of a Peanut

Removing the skin of a peanut makes the difference between tasting the bitter outside coating and the flavor of the legume within. Peanuts are covered in a red skin that blankets the peanut within the shell. The skin does not offer an appealing texture or flavor for peanut butter, roasted snack peanuts or chopped peanut toppings. Eliminate peanut skins with minimal effort before or after cooking them. Enjoy the fresh flavor of peanuts while supplying your body with nutrients such as folate, manganese, vitamin B and protein.



1  Squeeze the shell of an in-shell peanut between your fingers to crack it.
1.       Remove the peanut from the pod
2.       Rub the red skin between your fingers to detach it from the peanut.
1.       Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a baking pan with shelled peanuts.
2.       Place the pan in the oven, and roast the peanuts for about 5 minutes.
3.       Remove the peanuts from the oven, and allow them to cool for about 5 minutes.
4.       Rub the peanuts between your thumb and index finger to remove the skins.
1.       Bring a small saucepan of water to a boil.
2.       Pour in-shell peanuts into the water, and boil them for about 3 minutes.
3.       Pour the peanuts in a colander to drain them. Remove the peanut shells.

4.       Peel off the skin with your fingers.


How to Make a Chile Pepper Pinata

chili pepper pinata will add the perfect touch to your festivities, especially if there are children invited. This chili pepper pinata is very easy to make and if you are running out of time, get the kids' help completing this addition to your party decor. They will enjoy making it as well as the main attraction of breaking it.
Before the operation, you may need: 2 standard-sized poster boards Red tissue paper Green tissue paper Masking tape Heavy cardboard Scissors Pencil Compass Craft glue Ruler Nail Fishing line
1.Draw a 22-inch half circle on each piece of poster board. Cut out the half circles.
2Roll one poster board half circle into a cone. Overlap and tighten the cone until it is the size you want. Tape the seam with masking tape to hold.
3.Tape and roll the other poster board half circle around the first to give the pinata more firmness.
4.Set the open end of the chili pepper pinata cone on top of the heavy cardboard. Trace around the circle with a marker.
5.Measure approximately two inches outside the drawn circle and cut the cardboard out. Make snips in the edge, to the drawn inner circle, half an inch apart. Bend these snips to one side of the circle to create a cap for the chili pepper pinata.
6.Poke two holes in the center of the circle about half an inch apart using a nail. Thread fishing line through the holes and knot to make a hanger.
7.Cut a piece of heavy cardboard two inches tall by four inches wide. Bend the four inch length into four equal one inch folds. Fold the cardboard into a box with four sides. Tape the two ends together using the masking tape.
8.Place the folded box on top of the chili pepper cap, for the stem, over the poked holes. Pull the fishing line hanger out one open end of the stem. Tape the other end securely to the cap.
9.Cut a flap in the cardboard beside the stem. This is where you will fill the finished chili pepper pinata with candy.
10.Place the cardboard cap over the opening of the poster board cone. Tape the clipped edges of the cap securely to the cone.
11.Cover the cone with several layers of red tissue paper. Glue to secure.
12.Cut strips of tissue paper two inches wide. Cut a 1/4-inch fringe on one side of the strips to within a 1/4 inch on the opposite long side.
13.Apply glue to the uncut long edge of the strips and begin winding and overlapping around the Chile pepper pinata cone, starting at the bottom point. Continue gluing and winding to the top edge of the Chile pepper cone.
14.Cover the cap and stem of the chili pepper pinata with several layers of green tissue paper. Glue to secure.
15.Cut two-inch strips of green tissue paper and fringe the same as the red strips.
16.Wind and glue the green strips around the base of the stem, to the edge of the chili pepper cap and over and down the edge two inches.
17.Slit through the tissue paper on the cap where the flap was cut for filling the pinata. Fold the flap back, fill with candy and close the flap. Attach a rope to the fishing line to hang from a tree.